The Last Human on Earth and an AI
By Algorithmic Perfumery
with machine input from Anahita Mekanik, Frederick Duerinck

It's the end of the human inhabitation of Earth, and all humans have left the planet, except one. This scent tracks the encounter between the last human, and the AI that humanity left behind.


Artist Statement
The encounter with the last human on earth leaves an AI alone with its fascination for mankind’s capacity to feel love. The AI tries to crack the algorithm to understand love by scanning the millions of definitions of love it has learned. They all point to the connection between emotions and memory, often triggered by humans sense of smell. As a final gesture to immortalize its creator, the AI creates a scent that it calculates to be the best definition of love. In the absence of human input to validate the accuracy of its creation, the AI is stuck in an infinite loop of trials. Generation H-1122113 is one of the billions of scent creations awaiting input. (Earth)

Watch Frederik Duerinck and Anahita Mekanik talk about the Last Human on Earth and an AI


Fela Kuti and the unknown soldier

