M Dougherty: Your Dog Knows

Friday June 3rd to Sunday June 5th

After a deep dive into the scent world of dogs, artist M Dougherty began speculation on human olfactory system enhancement. Along that journey, M is hosting “Your Dog Knows” an olfactory exhibition for folks to visit alongside their dogs. This is an experiment in cross-species sensory exploration and recognition. The exhibition includes a variety of scents to be enjoyed both by dogs and by humans

Us humans often look past our noses, relying on our eyes to interpret the world, but there is so much we can learn from the smells around us— about the environment, seasons, weather, personhood, bodies, health, culture and change. We aren't seeing this rich world of smell that is so important to so many creatures, including our precious pets. What do our dogs know that we don’t? How do dogs relate to the world through their noses and what can we learn from this relationship? Can we shift away from acting on the environment towards listening to it?

The artist will be present with their dog, Earl Grey, on Saturday.


Doreen Ooi: Odoratus Auris (April/May 2022)


Gayil Nalls: Trees for the Future (June 2022)