Pickup your tree and attend a free talk by an olfaction expert and plant physiologist, curated by WSC at Olfactory Art Keller (reservations required).

Friday, June 10 at 4:00

Andreas Keller discusses “How We Perceive Nature Through Our Sense of Smell”

Andreas Keller, PhD, is the Founder/Director of Olfactory Art Keller and an olfactory scientist at Rockefeller University. His transdisciplinary research interests explore neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, and psychiatry.

Saturday, June 11 at 4:00 

Lewis Ziska presents "Climate Change and Plant Biology, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly”

Lewis Ziska, PhD, is a Plant Physiologist at Columbia University who works at the nexus of climate change, carbon dioxide, plant biology, and public health. 

Gayil Nalls: Trees for the Future

Friday June 10th 12-6pm
Saturday June 11th 12-6pm

The World Sensorium Conservancy (WSC) will be distributing free native trees in the gallery. Reserve your tree at worldsensorium.com starting on Earth Day, April 22nd. Then pick up your tree in person at the gallery on June 10th and 11th. Your promise to plant the tree, care for it, and be the tree’s protector is all that is needed. We will show you how to carry out that promise.

For those who cannot participate in the in-person event, every donation, of any amount to the WSC Tree Fund will be matched with the planting of a tree. In this way, anyone can plant a tree, even if you are not local to NYC. By adopting a tree, you will also become a member of the WSC and will receive their monthly newsletter.

With “Trees for the Future”, the artist Gayil Nalls (the founder of the WSC) continues to address environmental issues through artistic practice. Performing ecological art by engaging the community is her way of finding practical solutions for living sustainably and advancing climate adaptation.

Available native tree species will include: pine, maple, oak, and walnut.


M Dougherty: Your Dog Knows (June 2022)