ro miller

ro miller works in objectified performance, a style of performance making which utilizes olfaction and language primary perceptual modalities for an experience grounded in notions of residue. this style was developed from questions around divine spaces and smell, specifically how divinity could be held or imbued in scent and what does the material preservation of divine energy have to do with individualism. these questions blossomed into a body of work that focuses on identity under late-stage capitalism and structures of preservation and value. currently, ro’s projects are centered on creating olfactory experiences that allow for intra, as opposed to inter,-actions  and the creation of systems of support for other artists.

ro is a graduate of the Masters in Performance Program at NYU. they are responsible for the curation of Offerings, an ongoing performance series that takes place at the Church of Saint Mary’s in Times Square. they also help curate Associations, an ongoing performance series at Olfactory Art Keller.


Meabh McCurtin


David Seth Moltz