Miriam Songster

Miriam Songster’s practice engages with several themes: minimalism, site-specificity, and the multi-faceted nature of sensory perception. Her practice has moved from sculpture and video to incorporate installation and scent-focused immersive works. Both natural and synthetic scents have been essential to her work in conjuring local atmospheres, calling up the past, and creating perceptual incongruencies that lead the audience to momentarily catch themselves in their own act of perception. Recently she has been thinking about how non-human animals experience the world and incorporating this into her practice.

Miriam’s work has been funded by the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation and the NY Foundation for the Arts and shown in the US, Germany, Iceland, Russia and China. She received widespread press coverage, ranging from Hyperallergic to Forbes and the Japan Times, for “Ghostfood.”


Emmanuelle Sirois


Dawn Spencer Hurwitz