Ksandra Osinina

Ksandra Osinina is a professional visual artist and self-taught indie perfumer from Kyiv, Ukraine. Ksandra is interested in indie perfumery from around the world and explores the specifics of local fragrances. In Kyiv, she conducts perfumery lectures based at own research and perfume collection. She also developed a training course on conscious interaction with fragrances "Perfumery Artist". Several graduates of this course have already created their own brands and produce interesting perfumes.

Ksandra founded brand Char-Zillya (translated as Magic Potion) in 2019, although the first perfume was created in 2015. The main line of the brand is dedicated to Ukraine, its nature, history and people. The author also has various thematic series of perfumes with interesting plots. The perfumer works with both synthetic and natural raw materials, but the compositions themselves sound natural and a little magical.

https://char-zillya.com.ua (Ukrainian)
https://www.instagram.com/ukr.perfumes/ (English)


Doreen Ooi


Eva Petrič