Camilla Nicklaus-Maurer

Camilla Nicklaus-Maurer was born at the foot of the Bavarian Alps, where she still lives and works. Since graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich where she studied sculpture, she is working on her dissertation about olfactory art. Nicklaus-Maurer has been using smells, often side-specific and derived from nature, in her practice for over a decade. She has exhibited extensively throughout Germany and internationally, including her solo exhibition Dig in! Scent and Art at the KVD gallery in Dachau in 2016.

Watch Camilla’s conversation about her practice with the Institute of Art and Olfaction’s Saskia Wilson-Brown here.

Watch Camilla’s talk at the Olfactory Art Symposium organized by IAO and Smell it! in July 2021 here: Camilla Nicklaus-Maurer at Olfactory Art Symposium on Vimeo


Gayil Nalls


Michael Nordstrand